January 26th, 2021
Yale Huang
President – Americas Region

KUS Wins 2019 Masters of Quality Supplier Award by DTNA

Davie, Fla. — Kusauto International Ltd. (KUS) has received the Masters of Quality Supplier Award by Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA). The award honors the top components and services suppliers to Freightliner and Western Star trucks. According to DTNA, the recipients “demonstrate dedication to continuous improvement of the quality of their products, support to DTNA and overall performance.”
The full announcement from DTNA can be found here.
Yale Huang, President – Americas Region for KUS says, “We are honored to be selected for this award, and feel that it underscores our decades-long commitment to quality and innovation. Daimler’s recognition is a ringing endorsement by a leader in the trucking industry.”
KUS, based near Fort Lauderdale, Florida with operations in Mexico, Netherlands, India, Taiwan, and China, is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of auto parts, liquid level senders, diesel exhaust fuel (DEF) level senders, and gauge instrumentation. They manufacture components for the on-road and off-road automotive, marine, and industrial sectors.
KUS supplies DTNA with fuel level senders and DEF level senders. They also supply the Daimler Group in Europe, Asia, and South America.