On September 4, KUS Technology Corporation in Dongguan welcomed an EMBA cohort from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford led by Dr. Eric Thun. The visit represented a continuation of the collaborative engagements between the two institutions, designed to provide a blend of academic knowledge and real-world business insights.

Past, Present, and Future Challenges

The visiting group started with an immersive experience touring the KUS factory, gaining insights into our transition from traditional assembly lines to full automation. The day was then segmented into four distinct workshop sessions: Corporate Branding and Identity, Innovation Strategies, Organization Culture and Talent Development, and Investor Relation and Financial Disclosure. Each session was specifically crafted to facilitate in-depth discussions between the KUS management team and the visiting cohort. This format allowed participants to analyze current business challenges and strategies employed by KUS in its competition with leading Fortune 500 companies.

Jamin Ku, Chairman of KUS Technology Corporation, presented a session detailing the company’s historical trajectory, addressing both past challenges and outlining potential uncertainties in today’s market. His presentation offered a transparent overview of the company’s evolution, emphasizing the resilience and strategic agility required for a business to achieve global competitiveness.

Continuous Collaboration

Historically, visits from Saïd Business School have been a regular feature, offering both institutions opportunities for mutual learning and growth. However, the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily interrupted this routine, making the recent re-engagement significant. These engagements serve a dual purpose: they provide Saïd Business School students with a comprehensive view of the operational dynamics of a successful corporation. Simultaneously, KUS benefits from an opportunity to refine its strategies based on feedback and insights from academically trained business leaders.

Saïd Business School 2023 KUS Visit
Saïd Business School 2023 KUS Visit